Carnival Season Image

Spring is just around the corner, so let’s get ready for that Carnival Season.

Hello, Jump Around family & friends.  Now it’s early January and it’s still cold outside, but we all know how Vegas works.  March and April are beautiful weather months here in the Las Vegas Valley and everyone loves to be outside from Birthday Parties to School and Church Spring Carnivals celebrating and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Here at Jump Around Party Jumpers, we have a huge selection to choose from, over 350 inflatables to choose from and it’s always a good idea to start planning in advance.  Most orders do not require deposits and as we all know there are quite a few units that are very popular so let’s start planning now to make sure your event will be successful.

Nothing is worse than sitting down and choosing all the inflatables you want then calling to reserve them only to find out they are already reserved for someone else.  Although that is a good opportunity to try something new and exciting, sometimes we just want what we want.  You can never call to early to book your reservation.

We have some clients that book the same waterslides a year in advance every year to make sure they have what they want for their 4th of July parties.  We want to make your event successful so please give us a call as early as possible so we can make your event successful. Always feel free to browse our website as we will be adding quite a few new products around March of this 2020 season.

Thanks again from the Jump Around Party Jumpers family.